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It's all about preparation: How to save time and energy in the kitchen
We all lead busy lives, so we know that sometimes the thought of preparing a home-cooked meal isn’t quite as appetising as throwing a ready meal into the oven or pressing ‘order’ on your favourite takeaway website. But what if we told you there were ways to have a hearty and healthy meal on the dinner table in less time and taking up less energy than cooking everything from scratch?
Staying healthy in winter: the tools to use and the dishes to make
When the cold weather rolls around, it can be easy to reach for the comforting foods that we know will keep us warm and satisfied, but might not necessarily be the best for our body. The cold weather and shorter days can mean that all motivation to keep eating well goes out of the window and a diet of cheese, pasta and pizza might seem like the best idea for grumbling tummies, especially if you’re short on time. But staying healthy during the colder months doesn’t have to be impossible. In fact, we’ve got plenty of appliances and tools that will make it easy, fun and, dare we say it… super delicious!
A Guide to Slow Cooking
We know that often it can feel like there is never enough time in the day and sometimes this means cooking can take a backseat to other things in our lives. But what if we told you there was a way?
Kitchen Appliances for Winter
Nothing says winter quite like a bowl of hearty soup and warm bread with lashings of butter. With the cooler weather approaching, why not make the soup and the bread yourself? It’s a lot easier than you think, especially if you’re using our Clarity Soup Maker and Bread Maker!
The Multifunction Cooking Pot
What if we told you that you could grill, slow cook, steam and fry your way to kitchen greatness with just one appliance?
Love cooking HotPot? Add our one-pot wonder to your kitchen
You might already be familiar with our fabulous Multifunction Cooking Pot (and if you’re not then you can read more about it in our blog) and now we’re excited to introduce to you our new version in white with the inclusion of a Hot Pot accessory. . If Asian-style cooking is your thing, then our NEW Multifunction Cooking Pot with Dual Hot Pot is for you! Helping you create two separate meals in one deep pot!
Morphy Richards wins best-rated kettle brand in the 2020/2021 Finder Retail Awards
Morphy Richards has landed the best-rated kettle brand award in the 2020/2021 Finder Retail Awards.